ࡱ> EGDq` R%bjbjqPqPz.::r $P$("*PPffffff " " " " " " "$#hd&/"]fffff/"ff"fff "f "V5!@!fD Ju!!"0"!4&&!&!4fffffff/"/"Xfff"ffff$ 00 W-N 񂞊y fwS ___t^ ___s ^____ Y T__________ N0el,nW(kL4R qQ96R)  Linda came two Taiwan for two years and she 000 a lot of friends. (A) make0(B) made0(C) did0(D) does  A000 you still angry at me? BNot at all. (A) Do 0(B) Did0(C) Are0(D) Was  I met my cousin, Amy, 000 my way to school. (A) at0(B) by0(C) in0(D) on  Ted and Amanda 000 sleeping, but Jack was. (A) not0(B) weren t0(C) was0(D) were  Was she 000 a letter at ten yesterday morning? (A) write0(B) wrote0(C) writing0(D) writes  AI m so sorry. I 000 to bring6^O your books. BNever mind. (A) forget0(B) forgot0(C) was forgetting0(D) forgeted  The little girl 000 in the park at 300 yesterday afternoon. She was great! (A) is roller-blading (B) roller-blades (C) was roller-blading (D) roller-blade  Patty and Lilly often go 000 together. They are good friends. (A) for0(B) to0(C) with0(D) out  Tom was late. But his girlfriend didn t blame him 000. (A) at all0(B) not at all 0(C) too0(D) either  ACould you 000 me for just a minute? BSure, take your time. (A) waited0(B) waited for0(C) wait for0(D) wait  AWhat 000 then? BI was doing my homework. (A) were you doing0(B) are you doing0(C) did you do0(D) do you do  AI was 000 the birdsތ . They were singing. BHow interesting! (A) watch0(B) watching0(C) watched0(D) watches  I cleaned my room and did my homework. 000, I watched TV. (A) Then0(B) However0(C) But0(D) Or  Sunny and Sherry 000Z   ( 0 : @ J T \ ` f & , P R  2 4 < L R    $ 6 > D F T p   \ h bOaJo( h bO>*o( h bO>*h bO h bOo(h bOOJPJQJh bO5OJQJh bOh bO5OJQJMXZ\T 4 n4 & F3$5$7$8$gd bO 3$5$7$8$G$gd bO>kd$$If'(4 ap $3$5$7$8$G$Ifgd bO%%  (FZ`TZ|>nv4<^d hj "$ U h bO>*o( h bO>*h bOOJPJQJ h bOo(h bOX a date last Saturday morning. They went to a movie. (A) has0(B) have0(C) had0(D) having  I have a lot of friends. Tony Chen, 000, is one of my good friends. (A) example0(B) examples0(C) for example0(D) for examples  I 000 computer games at all last night. I watched TV. (A) play0(B) played0(C) didn t play0(D) don t play  I went to Betty s house yesterday. 000, she is coming here today. (A) On the way0(B) By the way0(C) Here you are0(D) Then  LindaWhy are you late again? SamSorry, I 000 an old friend. We talked a lot and I forgot the time. (A) meet0(B) met0(C) meets0(D) meeting  Lulu didn t blame Roger at all after(W& & KN_ he 000 to her. (A) apologize0(B) apologizes0(C) apologized0(D) is apologizing  I saw Susan in the park yesterday afternoon. She 000 on a bench and 000 a book. (A) sitting; reading (B) was sitting; reading (C) sit; read (D) were sitting; reading  AJohnny 000 America with his family last summer. BReally? I didn t know that. (A) is moving to0(B) moved to0(C) move to0(D) moved  Yvonne came to Taiwan 000. We took her to many places. (A) one month ago (B) last year ago (C) five days after N0el,nW(kL4R qQ96R) B D D C B B C D A C A B A C C C B B C B B A      PAGE 2 4 !#$%&%*%.%2%6%:%>%B%F%J%N%R%V%3$5$7$8$^`gdh~ 3$5$7$8$G$gdh~ & F3$5$7$8$gdx & F3$5$7$8$gd bO ! !!!"""B"H"X"Z"\"^"`"b"""""""""""""""### #&#p############$ $$$ $L$R$T$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%&%*%,%.%:%Z%~%%hxh|o( hh~o(hh~hh~5OJQJhxh bOOJPJQJ h bO>*o( h bOo(h bOOV%Z%^%b%f%j%n%r%v%z%~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$a$3$5$7$8$^gd|3$5$7$8$^`gdh~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%hxh|o(hxhx0JmHnHu hx0Jjhx0JUh>-jh>-U61h2P:p bO. A!R"R#R$R%S @ 001h2P:p bO. 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