


Classroom Management
By Genghis the Teacher 2004


作者: 曾益智 老師 2004年 

譯者: 吳清良 老師

Teaching is a great job if you can do two things: 1) Teach the students to be kind and polite. 2) Manage the paperwork.
教書是一份很棒的工作,假如你能做下列兩件事: 1)教導學生友善及有禮貌 2)處理作業。
CANI: Constant And Never-ending Improvement 
CANI: 持續及無止境的改進
If you improve by 10% per year, in a very short period of time you will be one of the best teachers in the 
Take responsibility for your students. How do you explain why some classes are orderly and others are 
chaotic? If Patton walked into the class, do you think for one second anyone would be disrespectful? 
Norman Schwarzkopf, or Jaime Escalante?
須對你的學生負責: 何以有的班級井然有序,有些班雜亂無序。如果巴頓將軍走進教室,你想不到一秒時光,有人會不禮貌嗎? 要是換上波灣戰爭的諾門將軍,或得過傑出獎的賈梅老師呢?
Let's take our lessons from: Blaming the students, their parents, their neighborhood or your principal for 
rude and disrespectful behavior only eliminates your chance to effect change. Many teachers like to play 
the blame game. They do not take responsibility for their students' behavior, but are quick to place blame 
on someone else. If you acknowledge your own responsibility as a teacher and a mentor to your students, 
you have the opportunity to change in your classroom. 
讓我們學下面的功課: 因學生粗魯不好的行為而責怪學生、他們的家長、鄰座同學、或你的校長,只會減少你有效的改變此行為的機會。許多老師喜歡玩責怪的把戲,他們不去對學生的行為負責,卻很快的責怪他人,如你知道你身為學生的老師及善良引導人的職責,你就有機會來改變你的班級。
All is fair when controlling 30 or 40 recalcitrant teenagers.
A) Lessons from military history.
B) Lessons from evolutionary psychology.
C) Lessons from interpersonal relations.
D) Lessons from experience.
A) 由戰爭歷史中學得的功課
B) 由進化心理學中學得的功課
C) 由人際關係中學得的功課
D) 由經驗中學得的功課.

A) Military History. 
A) 由戰爭歷史
Get as many students on your side as possible. I was talking to a new teacher in the room next to mine. He 
asked, “Why are your classes so calm and orderly and mine so chaotic?” 
As usual, I was thinking about war. “It is like war,” I replied. “War? What do you mean? Aren't you 
supposed to be nice to them?” 
儘可能的讓多數的學生站在你這邊。我與隔壁教室新來的老師談話時,他問我:『為何你的班級如此安靜且井然有序,而我的班級卻如此雜亂無章?』 一如往常,我把它認為是一種戰爭。我回答:『就像打仗一樣。』『戰爭? 你這話是什麼意思? 你不是該對學生要好一點嗎?』
“Rule one in warfare: get as many guys on your side as possible.” What do I mean by this? If you have 
thirty kids in your room, and if twenty-eight like you, your discipline problems are over. Always be nice 
to the students. Always be positive. Tell them how much you like them. Mention their new shirts and shoes 
and haircuts and any other successes they have had. After all, how many people like you, but you don't like 
them? Not many. Teenagers are the same, if someone likes them; they are far more likely to like the other 
person. Work every day on finding the good in each, and praising it. Smiling solves many problems. Each 
day is new and precious---act accordingly. 
戰爭法則第一條: 儘量使更多的人在你這邊。此話怎講,如你有三十位小孩在你教室,而有二十八位喜歡你,你的紀律問題就不存在了。永遠對學生好一些,永遠是正向積極的對他們。告訴他們你是多麼喜歡他們,提及他們的新衣服、鞋子及髮型、及他們曾有過成功的事蹟。最後,究竟有多少人喜歡你而你卻不喜歡他們? 不多了。中學生也一樣,如果有人喜歡他們,他們會更願意去喜歡其他的人。每天要找出每個人的優點加以稱讚。微笑解決許多的問題。每一天,都是一個嶄新且珍貴的一天。就這麼做下去吧!
Gather information. On the first day of school, give the students a personal questionnaire. Ask about 
siblings, hobbies, likes, dislikes, favorite teachers, problems with teachers. How they would like to be 
addressed, class schedules, successes they have had in school, perceived failures in school, how they like to 
be taught, and problems they have had in school. The more you know about them the easier they are to 
蒐集資訊。開學第一天,給學生一份個人問卷,問他們有關兄弟姊妹、嗜好、喜歡及不喜歡的事物、最喜歡那些老師、跟老師相處之間曾有過的問題、他們喜歡以什麼方式來稱呼、課表的安排、他們曾有過的成功或認為是失敗的經驗、他們喜歡以什麼方式來上課、他們在學校時曾有過什麼問題。 知道他們越多就越容易控管他們。
If you know Johnny is looking for a job, and Robert has one and the firm where Robert works is looking 
for another employee, well, you have just made a friend for life and at least one of your problems is no 
longer. If you know Johnny plays baseball, often a word to the coach can eliminate rude behavior. If 
Johnny is causing problems and you know he is smoking marijuana, an anonymous note home to mom might 
get Johnny in so much trouble that he no longer has the energy to cause you trouble. The point is, knowing 
things about your charges can make a huge difference if you are vigilant and creative in using that 
information to your advantage. Talk to counselors and other teachers that have your problem children. 
Often identical students will behave remarkably differently in different classes. If you find a teacher 
who has found a way to get Johnny to be kind and polite, ask what they have done that you haven't yet. 
Often counselors have insights into behavioral problems and can provide actionable intelligence that you 
can use to your advantage. 
如果你知道Johnny正在找工作,而Robert的公司有一份,且這公司正在找人。就這樣,你已交到了一位朋友,你的問題當中,至少一個問題不存在了。 如果你知道Johnny玩棒球,通常一句話給他的教練,就能減低他的粗魯行為。如果Johnny正在製造問題,且你知道他正在吸大麻毒品,一份匿名的通知單到家裡給他媽媽,就足以讓Johnny夠煩了而沒有精力來找你的的麻煩。要點是,如果你是機警且有創意的利用你手邊的資訊,知道你所負責的事,就可以作出大改變。跟輔導老師及其他有教過你的問題學生的老師們談談。經常,同一個學生,在不同的班級或教室有顯著不同的表現。如你能找到一位老師能使Johnny友善及有禮貌,問問他們是怎麼作的而你卻沒做到。通常,輔導老師具有對行為問題的洞察力,且可提供你可行的方案。

Use technology. Wars are won by those with the best technology:
a. cell phones
a. 手機
b. laptops
b. 手提電腦
c. tape recorder - it is amazing how differently kids behave when they know they are being recorded.
c. 錄音機 - 當孩子們知道他們要被錄音時,你會驚訝於他們的表現是多麼的截然不同於平時。
d. Camcorder - See above.
d. 錄影機 - 理由同上
e. Thermostat - I once substituted during my conference period. The class was completely chaotic and it 
was the hottest day of the year, well over 100 degrees. I asked them to quiet down to no avail. Then I shut 
the door and said, “If I hear one more peep out of anyone I will shut the windows. Well, you could hear a 
pin drop. After fifteen minutes, I said much better, now I am going to open the door, but if you make any 
noise it will be shut again. He who controls the thermostat controls the class.
e. 調溫器 - 在我開會的那段期間,我班被代過課,班級全然混亂,是當年最熱的一天,可說超過一百度。我曾要求他們靜下來,但無效。於是我就關了門,並說:『如果我再聽到從任何一位口中蹦出一個字,我就關窗。』於是靜到連根針掉落都能聽到。十五分鐘後,我說:『好多了,現在我要打開門。但如再讓我聽到任何噪音,門會再被關上。』控制調溫器的人能控制全班。
f. Loud whistle - If you blow on the whistle for five seconds, you will have the quietest class on the planet. 
(Make sure the paramedics are available because some might have a heart attack.) 
f. 響哨子 - 如果你吹哨子五秒鐘,你將會得到這星球上最安靜的一班。(先確認是否有急救葯在一旁,因恐有人會心臟病發作)
g. Bull horn - My first year, I taught at an “inner city” school. One teacher was having particular trouble. 
The class just talked all period. One day he walked in with a bullhorn. One of the loudest things I have 
ever heard, you could not hear yourself think. After two weeks, some students came to him and said,” If 
we agree not to talk, will you stop using that thing?” The point is--be creative, there is a solution to these 
problems. As Patton told his troops, “ I do not want you to die for you country, I want you to make that 
other sorry sob to die for his.” 
g. 電動擴音器 - 我第一年在較市中心(貧民窟)的學校教書,有位老師有些麻煩,那一班整節課都在講話。有一天, 他帶了個電動擴音器走進教室,是我曾經聽過最響的東西,聽到時你根本無法思考。兩週後,一些學生找上他,說:『如果我們同意不講話,你能停止使用那玩意兒嗎?』重點是 -- 要有創意。這是對這種問題的一個解決方案。誠如巴頓將軍告訴他的軍隊: 『我不希望你為你的國家而死,我要你使另一個哀傷哭泣的魂為他的國家而死。』 

Employ the indirect attack. When someone is fooling around, walk up to him from behind and tap him on 
the shoulder. This will send the message that you are aware of everything and have the presence to do 
something about it.
使用迂迴突襲: 當有人在傻混時,走到他背後輕拍他的肩膀,這就送給他一個訊息,你掌握任何的狀況,且你的出現即將要對他的行為作出行動。

Beware of Pyrrhic victories. If you humiliate a kid, that kid may shut up for that day, but there are two 
problems. First, you now have an enemy and teachers do not need more enemies; and second, you have sent 
a message that the class is not a team that you are not on their side and the mutiny is only one misstep 
別用以重大犧牲換取之勝利 - 如果你羞辱了孩子,那孩子或許整天都不說話。但卻產生了兩個問題,第一,你又多了一個敵人,而老師是不需要更多的敵人的。第二,你給班上一個訊息,你是與他們不同國的,那離眾叛親離的地步只差一步了。

Always weigh the costs and benefits. Wars aren't always won in a day. Save up and get in a good position 
for victory tomorrow.
權衡付出與獲益: 戰爭決不是一天就能搞定誰贏的,省省力氣,讓自己站在有利的位置,以迎接明天的勝利。

Remember that speed counts. As Patton said, “It is better to have a good plan today than a perfect plan 
on the day after the battle.”
記住,時效很重要。如巴頓將軍所說 :『最好要有一個今天能用得到的好計畫,勝過戰事結束後才出來的一個完美無缺的計畫。』

You don't have to win every battle every day. 

Do what is necessary but not more. All you want is for the students to be kind and polite. Once they are 
kind and polite, it is not necessary to impose more punishment. It is not necessary to hold grudges. This 
will just poison the class and you will have a harder time getting the students to see that you are on their 

Focus on the goals. What do you want your class to be like, and what do you have to do make this happen?
鎖定目標: 你要你的班級像什麼,你須作什麼使其能達到,就這樣作吧!

Be strong to fight another day. Ok, you had a bad day. It happens to the best. Figure out what went 
wrong, why, and how you can remedy it. Reflect on the near-certain fact that it is going to be better 
要堅強以迎接另一天的戰鬥: 好吧! 你有個很糟的一天,但那還算是最好的。想想看那裡不對,為什麼? 如何來修正,反省一下這即將成確定的事實,使明天會更好。

B) Evolutionary Psychology.
B) 進化心理學
Students learn from peers, including how to behave. If you get most to be kind and polite, others will fall 
in line.
學生由同儕中學習: (包括如何表現) 如你使大多數的人能友善及有禮貌,其餘的人都會一起靠過來。

Fitting in. Most teenagers desperately want to fit in. If most students are kind and polite, they will have 
influence on the rest.
西瓜倚大邊 - 多數中學生很想要有歸屬感。如多數學生都能友善及有禮貌,他們會影響其餘的人歸屬過來。

Stand out. Throughout the ages some young males have gained status by challenging the alpha male (You). 
The teacher has to make it clear that no matter what, you are in a position to make that child's life worse.
引人注目: 一些男生年歲漸長,會向代表權威的老師(就是你)來挑戰而引人注目。老師須清楚知道,不論如何,你的反應對策,可影響孩子日後的生活更好或更壞。

Students want to help. Have chores for as many students as possible. Get them to do things for you.
學生想要幫忙別人: 儘可能多讓學生為你做一些瑣事。

Students were not designed to sit and listen to old geezers talk. You will have less trouble if you talk less. 
You need to find a way to get the students involved and doing something - not just listening. In general, 
well-focused, motivated humans can actively listen to a monologue for no more than twenty minutes, and 
few teenagers can be described as focused and motivated. So, you need to reduce monologues even more. 
學生不是被設計來坐下並聽老古怪來說教的。如你說的越少,你的麻煩就越少。你需要使學生來作一些事情 - 而不只是聽你說。一般而言,很專心且有動機的成人,能很有效的聽一段單人說話,不超過二十分鐘。而且幾乎沒有孩子是可歸類為很專心且有動機的。所以,你還要再更縮短你的單人說話時間。

C) Interpersonal Relationships.
C) 人際關係
Make friends. Find out who the best teachers in the school are, and do what they do.
交朋友: 找出學校裡最好的那些老師,跟著他們做。

Almost every good teacher likes to be asked about tricks of the trade. You should always ask these people 
how they handle specific problems (no book, tardiness, rudeness, bathroom policy, writing referrals, etc.).

You should always ask general questions about how they conduct class, handle papers, give tests/quizzes, 
give grades, etc.
你應該問些一般的問題。諸如: 如何帶班、改作業、實行小/大考、給分數等。

Make friends with those around you. Often they can provide a great deal of support. Many teachers won't 
mind if you send a problem student to their class once in a while. You can always reciprocate.
跟你身邊的人交朋友: 通常,他們能提供很多的幫助。許多老師都不會介意,你偶而送一位問題學生至他們班上,你也可回報他們。

Make friends with those in your department. Often if you are teaching the same class the same period, 
you can trade problem children. Problem children are only problem children because of their environment. 
Change their environment and you drastically change their behavior.
跟你學年(群)的人交朋友: 通常,你們教相同的課又在相同的節次時,你們可互換有問題的小孩。問題小孩會產生問題,是因為他們所在的環境,改變他們的環境,你會發覺他們的行為也起了大改變。

Make friends with those who are having problems and want to change. This support group can give you an 
opportunity to vent and talk about more effective strategies to use in the future. Bounce ideas off others 
and get a different perspective. Think of more effective strategies.
跟那些有問題也想改變的人交朋友: 這相互支援的群體,可給你一個機會來互吐苦水及談未來有效的策略。集眾人的點子,且找出不同的觀點,想出更多的策略。

Make friends with those in administrative offices (counselors, deans, assistant principals, security 
personnel, janitors, clerks). Make sure every one knows you are doing everything in your power to 
improve. Also ask for their support and guidance.
跟行政處室的人交朋友 (輔導老師、主任、副校長、安全人員、校工、職員) 讓每個人知道,你在你的權限內所作的每一件事,都是為學校來改進,也請求他們的支持及導引。

Body language. A huge percentage of communication is non-verbal. Kids can smell fear and trepidation. You 
must look competent and confident. Presence and proximity matters - you will have fewer problems if you 
walk around the room. You will have more trouble if you sit at your desk. Not very many bank robberies 
are committed in front of the police. 
肢體語言。大部分的溝通都是非語言的,孩子們能察覺到到須敬畏的徵兆。你必須看起來是自信滿滿的, 出現並靠近他面前。如你能隨時在教室走來走去,你的問題就會越少。如你老是坐在你的講桌處而不動, 麻煩就越多。不會有很多的銀行搶案是發生在警察局前面的。

D) Experience.
D) 經驗
First Day. Here is how I actually run my classroom on the first day—my own tricks of the trade, so to 
speak. Contrary to intuition, or common sense, I never tell students the rules. Instead I present a glimpse 
into my position. I invite their empathy. “I have a very difficult job,” I say. “I am not complaining. I only 
mention it so you'll understand: If you do anything in this room to make my job more difficult than it 
already is, God help you… In fact, not even God will be able to help you.” Kids understand this 
immediately. They know right off that you are serious about maintaining standards in the classroom. 
開學第一天: 這是我實際在開學第一天在我班作的 - 我的技巧是,可以這麼說,有反一般常用的直覺或普通常識。我絕不告訴學生規則,而我是讓他們瞥視一下我的處境,我博取他們的認同。我說 :『我有一份很艱難的職業,我不是在抱怨。我之所以要提這事,是要讓你們瞭解: "如果你們在這教室作出任何事,使我已經夠艱難的職業工作更加艱難的話,希望老天能幫忙你... 事實上,即使天王老子也幫不上你"。』 孩子們立刻知道你是非常認真的在維持班上的標準。

You must find a way to make it very unpleasant for misbehaving students. I tell them that I have three rules:


1. I went to University of Southern California. I love that school! I especially love the football team. If by chance they lose, do not say anything to me about their loss. Not “tough loss”, or “they almost won”. Especially do not laugh about it. Because if you do, I will hate you and you will not enjoy this class.
1. 我曾去南加州大學,我愛這所學校,我特別愛它的橄欖球隊。如果偶然的機會,他們輸了,別告訴我有關他們輸的事。即使是輸的很少,或差一點就贏了,特別是不要嘲笑此事。因為你如果這樣做了,我會恨你,而你在班上就不會很愉快。
2. I will be in this room at lunch, nutrition and after school each day for you to get extra help. The only exception is Fridays when I play golf. Golf is very important to your teacher! So do not come here after school on Friday. Any other time is fine.
2. 每天午餐、點心時間、及放學後,我會在這教室裡,你們可得到額外的幫助。唯一例外是,每個星期五,我要打高爾夫球,高爾夫球對你們的老師是非常重要的。所以星期五放學後別來這兒,其他時間均可。
3. If I say anything that you don't understand, raise your hand right away. 
3. 如果我說的事你不明白的話,立即舉手。
This takes about five minutes. Next I tell the students a story that helps them memorize 20 words:

Ice cream 冰淇淋
Skunk 臭鼬
Friend 朋友
Balloon 氣球
Nail 釘子
Fork 叉子
Belly button 肚臍眼
Worm 蚯蚓
High heels 高跟鞋
Sunglasses 太陽眼鏡
Finger 手指
Hamburger 漢堡
Mickey Mouse 米老鼠
Skateboard 滑板
Mars 火星

There was this fifty-foot ice cream cone, out popped an eight-foot long skunk ran down the ice cream cone and sprayed your best friend. Why was he your best friend? Because he has a big heart, as big as a purple balloon. The balloon went up, a nail came down (kaboom). The nail went into your hand, and out popped a flower. On top of the flower was a fork. The fork went into your belly button and out popped a worm. (Hey! it could happen so don't try this at home.) The worm turned into a brown horse. What was special about the horse? It had pink high heels and blue Elton John sunglasses. A finger was coming out of the sunglasses. It went straight into a lamp (kish) and turned into hamburger. The hamburger was eaten by Mickey Mouse riding a skateboard on his way to Mars.
有個五十英尺高的冰淇淋甜筒,筒頂蹦出來一隻八英尺長的臭鼬,往筒下跑並噴臭味在你最好的朋友身上。為何他是你最好的朋友? 因他有一顆大心,大的像一個紫氣球。氣球上升,一根釘子下來 (砰!) 釘子進入你的手,蹦出來一朵花。花頂是把叉子,叉子進入你的肚臍眼挑出了一條蚯蚓(嘿! 可能發生這種事,所以別在家裡試)。 蚯蚓變成了一匹棕色的馬,這匹馬有何特別。它穿粉紅色的高跟鞋及戴上藍色的Elton John太陽眼鏡。一隻手指從太陽眼鏡出來,它直直的伸入一盞燈 (咻),變成了漢堡。米老鼠吃了漢堡,就踏著滑板上路往火星去了。

I tell this with a great deal of embellishment and weird sound effects. I break it into four groups of five words. The first row must repeat the first five words, the second row must repeat the first ten words, and the last row does all twenty. While I am telling the story and calling on students, I am studying the seating chart. I talk to myself: 
First row: 第一列(排)
Joe, Sally
Joe, Sally, Maria, etc. 等等
I remember three girls sitting in a row. Their names were Michelle, Alice and Pamela. They all looked alike, I just thought of MAP, and got their names right in seconds. Tricks like this can make the process more efficient. I do this until I can say each student's name without fail. The story takes about twenty minutes.

After the story I teach them how to prime factor the first twelve numbers. Their first assignment is to prime factor the first one hundred numbers. I walk around the room and correct the papers while they are doing the problems at their seats. With five minutes left in the class, I pull out a one-dollar bill and say, “would anybody like to bet that I don't know his or her name?” Robert raises his hand, and I say. “Probably not a good decision, Robert.” Then I go around the room and correctly say everyone's name.
故事說完後,我教他們如何找出1至12的質因數。第一個作業為找出1至100的質因數,當他們在座位上作題目時,我在教室內到處走動 ,改他們的練習。下課前五分鐘,我拿出一塊錢紙鈔說:『 有人要跟我打賭,我不知道你的名字的嗎?』 Robert舉起他的手,我說:『Robert 或許這不是個好的決定。』然後我在教室內到處走動,正確地說出每個人的名字。

So what was accomplished the first day? I learned all their names, the class got to laugh and have fun. I told them a little bit about how to improve their memory and how the brain works. They learned that most of the class is about solving math problems and the teacher is very helpful. I conditioned them to expect to take out a sheet of paper, copy the board, and start doing what you can to solve the math problems. This is what they are going to do every day. 
Conditioning is very important, once they get into the habit of walking into the classroom, copying the board and start working, most of your problems are over. I learned which students have learning problems. (If you can't remember the words from the story, there are going to be problems), who is going to have trouble with the math and who will be my problem students. I start designing strategies to deal with them right away. 

所以開學第一天完成什麼,我認得了他們的名字,大家都笑了,且很開心。我告訴他們一些有關如何增進記憶力及腦筋是如何運作的,他們也知道這堂課大部分在解數學題目,且他們的老師是很幫忙的。 我把「拿出一張紙、抄黑板、開始作你能解的數學題目」這些動作制式化,這是他們每天都作的事。
制式化是很重要的,一旦他們養成習慣,走入教室,抄黑板、開始工作,則你大部分的問題都沒了。我知道那些學生有學習上的問題 (如記不得故事中的字,那就有問題了),對數學有困擾的人就是我的問題學生,我立即開始設計如何來處理他們。

a. Asking to go to the bathroom. The first time in the semester this happens, I tell them did you ever notice that in some classes five people per day have to go to the bathroom and in others hardly ever? Well, man must ask himself three questions: 
a. 上課中要求上廁所: 本學期第一次發生此事,我告訴他們:『你們有否注意到,有些班一天有五個人要上廁所,其他班幾乎沒有? 好吧! 你們要問自己三個問題:
· What do I want? 我想要什麼?
· What is the price? 代價是什麼?
· Am I willing to pay the price? 我願付這代價嗎?』

The price of going to the bathroom is ten minutes at lunch. Invariably the student says, that's ok; I don't have to go that badly. I say, next time, it costs 10 minutes to ask. Very few ever even ask. When this happens and I have some time to teach another lesson, I say let me show you a trick. Stand up. Put your hands on your head. Now hop for five minutes. Yes it is funny. No I have never had a student do this, but they get the message, it is not wise to ask to go to the bathroom in my class.
上廁所的代價是,午餐只有十分鐘。一定有人說那還好,這代價不會太糟。我說下一次,你要花十分鐘來問可否上廁所,之後就沒人這樣問過了。當又有人要問此事,而我時間也許可的話,我給他另一個教訓。我說:『讓我告訴你個技巧。起立! 把雙手放在頭上,現在跳躍五分鐘。』是的,真是滑稽。 不! 我從未要求學生這麼作,但是,他們得到這個訊息,在我的課要求要上廁所是不智之舉。

b. Not having the proper materials. If you come to class without a book you stand in the back of the room.
b. 未帶應帶的東西。如你來上課不帶課本,站到教室後頭。
· Pencils on sale for a quarter. 廉售鉛筆25分美元;
· Paper on sale, 5 sheets for a quarter 廉售紙張,五張25分美元。

c. Getting out of seat. I just never have this problem. The first day, inevitably someone will get out of his seat. I SCREAM. The class reacts like a puppy doing something bad. I then say, “I am sorry, but I get very nervous whenever someone leaves his seat. You see, what happened about ten years ago, a kid was going to sharpen his pencil, and then he stabbed me. I would show you my scar, but there are ladies present. But he made a terrible mistake. Whenever you knife someone, always turn, this damages the vital organs, and the victim will die. That kid forgot to turn and I survived. What happened to the kid? He disappeared. Just flat out disappeared. The police investigated and the CIA, but not one ever saw him again. So, please, please never leave your seat.” No one ever does. (Sometimes being a little crazy helps.)
c. 離開座位: 我未曾有過這方面的問題。開學第一天,不可避免地,有人想離開座位,我尖叫,全班反應像一隻做錯了事的小狗。然後我說:『我很抱歉,只要有人離開座位,我就變得很緊張。你們知道約十年前發生的事,一個孩子想要去削鉛筆,然後他就刺到我了。我很想秀給你們看我的傷疤,但有女生在場不方便。他犯下了可怕的錯誤,當你刀刺入人體時,通常都會旋轉,這就會傷害到賴以為生的活命器官,受害者會死掉。那孩子忘了旋轉,所以我幸存活命。那孩子後來怎麼了? 他不見了,全然由人間蒸發了。先警察局調查,然後中央情報局調查,之後再也沒有人見到過他了。所以,求求你們千萬別離開自己的座位。』從此以後,沒人離開過。(有時,些許瘋狂也可幫忙你。) 

d. Throwing things. My first year teaching, I was writing on the board when an orange whizzed past my head. I thought - gee, they didn't talk about this in Teacher College. I had no idea what to do. I went home and thought. The next day I walked in, told a sweet pleasant girl to go to the board and write everything I told her. I walked around in the back of the class and dictated the lesson. Problem solved. I don't know how much they learned that year, but that class sure was quiet from then on.
d. 丟東西: 我教書的第一年,我正在寫黑板時,一顆柳丁從我頭上呼嘯而過。我心想 - 老天! 在師院上課時從未談及這方面的問題,我不知該怎麼辦。我回家想了又想,第二天,我進教室時,叫一位長相甜美討喜的女生,走到黑板處,寫下所有我告訴她該寫的,我則在班級的後面到處走動。那女生寫我口授,以完成該課,問題解決了。那一年,我不知他們到底學了多少,但班級從此就很安靜。
Recently, I heard a projectile whiz past my ear again. This was a wonderful class with one bad apple. After the lesson was complete, I took a few kids from the back of the class out into the hall and asked who did it. No one said anything. I then took the bad apple out of the class and said three people said you throw that thing. He said, “Well, I was mad.” I called the dean (who is my best friend) and we arranged a confession and a permit to go to another school. Make friends!
近來,我又聽到丟的東西從我耳邊呼嘯而過。這是很好的一班,只有一位壞蛋。待課上完後,我帶幾個孩子由教室後面出去到走廊,並問是誰幹的,他們什麼也沒說。然後,我把那壞蛋帶離班級,並說有三個人說是你丟的。他說:『噢! 我那時瘋了(生氣)。』 我拜訪了主任(是我最好的朋友),之後我們安排了認錯,並開了轉學許可證。所以要交朋友!

e. Talking out of turn. This is the most serious problem you will face in your teaching career. If you can solve this one, it is all down hill. 
e. 不依序發言: 這是你教書生涯中會面臨到的嚴重問題。如你能解決,那就天下太平了。

First, what not to do:
Warning. Never give warnings, ever under any circumstances. They have to realize that the first word out of their mouths will have consequences.
警告: 任何情況下,決不給警告。他們必須瞭解到第一個字由他們口中而出,將會面臨的後果。
Arguing. If you are arguing with a student, STOP! You are doing something terribly, terribly wrong. Calmly ask Johnny to come in at lunch (or after school). Johnny immediately asks, why? At that point in a loud voice, “BECAUSE I ASKED YOU NICELY!” Then I say, you have a choice, but 8000 students have said you can't make me come in at lunch. And 8000 students have been wrong. But, hey, maybe you are special, I wish you well. If they do not show up at lunch, I have a referral slip already filled out for them as they walk into class the next day. It just says, “Student is confused as to how to behave in class, please send back at lunch. Welcome back any time.”
爭辯: 如你正與學生爭辯,停掉吧! 你正在犯很可怕可怕的錯誤。小聲地要求Johnny於午餐時或放學後來找你,Johnny立刻問:『為什麼?』那時,我就大聲說:『因為我好好地要求你。』然後我說:『你可以選擇,但前面已有八千位學生曾說過,你無法讓我在午餐時間來,他們都錯了。但是,嘿! 或許你特別,我希望你好。』如他們午餐時不來,我已寫好轉介條。當第二天他們進入教室時,就給他們,上面寫到:[ 該生不知在教室裡該如何表現好行為,他感到困惑,請於午餐時送回家,但希望他隨時回來。]
The Dean says if you don't show up for detention, you will be suspended.
At lunch I always ask, “Why are you here?” The student invariably says, “I don't know,” at which point I go back to reading the newspaper and say, “When you figure it out, raise your hand.” Five seconds later, the hand goes up. The student says, “I was talking when I should not have been.” 
午餐時,我都會問:『為什麼你在這兒? 』學生千篇一律的都會這麼說:『我不知道。』那時,我就繼續看報紙並說:『當你想出來後,舉個手。』五秒鐘後,手舉起來了。該學生說:『我在不該講話時講了話。』
I say, “Yes you were. What are you going to do to make sure this doesn't happen again?” “Well, I am not going to talk any more in class.” If contrition is sincere, I let him go.
我說:『的確如此。 那你打算怎麼做,保証日後不再犯?』『 是的,我以後不在上課時講話。』如其懺悔是真誠的, 我就讓他走。
The next time that same student is in at lunch, I have him take out a piece of paper and start writing about how he is going to behave in class. After he makes a few attempts and his pain seems to be sufficient, I let him go. If there comes a point with a student when this is no longer effective, I bring him in at lunch and say, “This doesn't seem to be working. It seems we are going to have to go to Phase 2. Phase 2? Yes, I will call your mommy, you will go to the dean's office, and you will not be allowed back in class until you, your mommy, the dean and I sit down and figure out a way for you to be kind and polite in class.”
下次,如該生又在午餐時被留下,我要他拿出一張紙,開始寫下他打算如何在課堂上有好表現。在他作了幾次嘗試,且痛苦似乎已受夠時,我就讓他走。如這招仍不管用,午餐時我帶他進來並說:『這似乎對你沒用。看來我們似乎得近入「第二階段」。』『第二階段?』『 我將打電話給你媽咪,你要去主任辦公室,且你將不准回去上課,直到 你、你媽、主任、和我,坐下來,想出個辦法,使你在上課時能友善及有禮貌。』
I wish I could tell you that Phase 2 is effective, but I have never actually implemented this myself. On a very few occasions I have threatened to go to Phase 2, but once the student hears about Phase 2, I have never had any more problems. 
我很想我可以告訴你 ,「階段二」有效,但我自己從未實際實施過。在少數幾個場合,我曾威嚇要進入「第二階段」,但當學生一聽到「第二階段」,我就未曾有更多的問題了。
Remember: it's amazing what a student will agree to at 3:04 p.m. 
記得: 選快放學的時間3:04 p.m,有驚人的效果,學生要回家,會很快地同意。

f. Head on desk. I say, “Johnny, let me show you a trick. Stand up. Stand in the back of the room.” After between five and forty minutes, I ask if he is feeling better and would like to complete the assignment.
f. 頭趴在桌上: 我說 Johnny 讓我告訴你如何做:『起立! 站到教室後面。』五至四十分鐘後,我問他:『是否好一點? 想不想完成他的作業?』
g. Reading magazines and putting on makeup. I walk around the room a lot. When I see someone doing something like this, I walk up behind her and pick the objects up very quickly. Student always asks, “When do I get it back?” I answer, “Whenever your mother comes and picks it up.” But she is not going to come. Oh well! I have been doing this for twenty years, and have never had a problem with this technique. If a student comes and asks for the object back at lunch usually I will say, “ come back in one week with the homework perfect. Then you can have it back.” Periodically during the year I will give the stuff away. Poor girls get the makeup and the truck magazines go to those that like trucks.
g. 看閒書及化妝: 我常常在教室走動,當我看到又有人正在做這檔事時,我走到她後面,迅雷不及掩耳地把那物品撂取過來。學生總會問:『 什麼時後我可拿回來? 』我答:『 當妳的媽媽來時順便拿走。』 但她媽媽是不會來的。 噢, 好吧! 我已經這樣做了二十年了,此種方法也未曾產生問題。如學生於午餐時來問那物品,通常我說:『 一個星期後再回來,帶著做得很好的家庭作業,然後妳就可拿回去。』在那一年內,隔段時間,我會把那些物品處理掉。家貧的女生會得到化妝品,而那些垃圾閒書,當然就送入叫垃圾的回收車囉!

h. Eating and drinking. I allow this. Small privileges that do not disrupt the class are allowed. It helps bonding, they like it, it helps keep them awake. Again, you want them to think you are on their side and not being capricious. 
h. 吃喝: 我是允許的,不影響上課而給的一點方便是允許的,能協助繫住他們(吃就無法講話)。他們喜歡吃喝,協助他們清醒不瞌睡。再次,你是想要他們認為你是和他們同一國的,而非善變的。(一下是同一國的,一下又不是) 
i. Off task. They can only have books and paper on their desk. They can't get out of their seat or put their head on the desk. They can talk about math, but not anything else. The only alternative is just to stare at the book, not such a pleasant alternative. (Though a few do, much to my chagrin) 
i. 做別的事: 在桌上,他們僅能有課本及作業紙。他們不可離開座位或頭趴在桌上,他們可談論數學,但不可談別的。唯一例外是緊盯著課本,是個不討喜的例外。(然而還是有些人犯了,真令人懊惱啊。)

Procedures. Most problems occur at the beginning and end of the class. So take particular care to establish effective routines at the beginning of class and at the end.
步驟: 大多數的問題都發生在剛開始或快結束上課時,所以在此段時間要特別注意,建立有效的常規。 
a. Beginning of class. When they walk in, have something for them to do. A quiz, copy from the board, read something so that each student knows exactly what to do when you take roll and pass back the papers.
a. 剛開始上課時。當他們進入教室,使他們做一些事,小考、抄黑板、或閱讀,使得每個學生精確知道當你在點名及發還作業時,他該做什麼。
b. End of class. You must establish precedent that books are not put away until the bell rings. They can work on their homework, they can read, but they are not to talk. If they don't comply, that is why God invented detention. 
快結束上課時。你必須建立常規,書本在鈴聲響之前,是不可收起來的。他們可以作家庭作業,他們可以閱讀,但他們不得講話。如不遵守,那就是為什麼老天要發明 留下(拘留)的處罰。

Teaching. Pay attention to when there are problems. In the vast majority of classes, the more complicated the instruction, the more problems. So if things are not going well, simplify the instructions. The more interesting the lesson is, the fewer the problems. This is just a fact and needs to be dealt with.

a. Not having something for the students to do, when they walk through the door. It could be a quiz, something to read, a worksheet, or something to copy.
a. 當他們進門後,不給學生事做,是不對的 - 可來小考、讀些東西、學習單、或抄寫。
b. Treating each student the same. Students like all people, are different and must be treated differently. After all, if everyone is treated the same, what is the incentive to be good? If a good kid makes a mistake, the penalty should be much less severe than if a problem child commits the same act. When kids ask, “Why do you always pick on me?” I always say, “I just pick on the weak ones.”
a. 一視同仁,是不對的 - 學生像所有的人種,是不同的,必須以不同的方式處理。畢竟,如每個人都一樣處理,那還須使用讓人變好的激勵嗎? 如果好孩子犯錯,受的處罰要比犯同樣錯誤的問題兒童輕些。當孩子問我:『為什麼你老是挑我?』我一定說:『 我只不過是挑出弱點罷了。』
When they say, “Other people were talking,” I reply, “I am not concerned with anyone else. I only care about you. You do not have detention because someone else was talking. You have detention because you were talking.” 
當他們說:『 別人也在講話啊?』 我回答:『 我不關心其他的人,我只關心你。別人講話,你不用留下。你留下是因為你講話。』
c. Keeping grudges. Once you have meted out the appropriate punishment, it is a new day. Act accordingly. You win wars when you have more friends, not more enemies. Smiling solves many problems.
c. 留下忿恨,是不對的 - 一旦你祭出了適當的處罰,又是新的一天,不應留恨,就這樣做吧。你贏得戰爭是你有較多的朋友,而非較多的敵人。微笑解決許多的問題。
d. Arguing. Many things happen when you argue. None of them are helpful. Reasoning with recalcitrant teenagers is fine during detention; it leads to disaster when done during class.
d. 爭辯,是不對的 - 當你爭辯時,許多事會發生,沒有一樣是有益的。跟頑叛的孩子在留置(拘留)時講理是可行的,但在上課時這麼做,就會導致災難發生。
e. Not having enough work for the students to do. Humans are social animals. We like to talk. If they have nothing to do, they will think of something to occupy that time. Most of the things they think of doing are not conducive to good teaching so make sure the students always have enough to do. Have extra work for those students who finish quickly. It is always ok to have the fast ones read at the end of the period.
e. 不給學生足夠的事做,是不對的 - 人類是喜社交性的動物,我們喜歡講話。如果他們無事可做,他們會想找別的事來佔據該段時間,大多數他們想得到的事,對好的教學均是無益的。所以要確認學生有足夠的事做,給那些很快完成的學生額外的工作,讓最快完成的人,可在快下課前看自己的書,是可行的。
f. Not asking others for help. You always tell them to ask for help when they are stuck, because you want to help. Each school has many people that would like nothing better than for you to be a better teacher. Find these people and ask.
f. 不請求別人的幫助,是不對的 - 你通常都會告訴別人,當他們困頓時,可請求幫忙,因為你也想幫忙。每個學校有許多老師都喜歡你成為好老師,找上這些人,請求他們。
g. Talking too much. How much do you remember your teachers telling you? Virtually nothing you say will be remembered by lunch by most students and certainly nothing you say will be remembered after the next exam. People learn by doing things, so have them do things. Remember - if they stop listening, stop talking.
g. 老師說太多,是不對的 - 你現在還記得多少你老師告訴過你的? 事實上,沒有。你說的在午餐前可被大多數的學生記得,但在第一次段考後,你說過的幾乎沒人記得了。人們是由做中學,所以要讓他們做事。記住 - 如他們不聽你講的時候,你就停止講話。
h. Not going after the ringleaders. Every group has ringleaders and followers. If you go after the followers, you will still have problems. You must go after the ringleaders. It is an exercise in dominance. If you don't handle them you are not the alpha male and the class is one step from chaos. Once the ringleaders have been subdued, the followers will not cause any further trouble either.
h. 沒罩住小圈圈帶頭的,是不對的 - 每個小集團都有帶頭的和跟班的。如果你只治住跟班的,你還是會有問題,你得要罩住帶頭的,這是個地盤主權的操練。如你無法處理他們,你就不是他們的老大,那班級離混亂只差一步了。一旦小圈圈帶頭的降服於你,那些跟班的就不敢再造次了。
i. Trying to reinvent the wheel. Study people who have achieved the success that you hope to have and duplicate their efforts. 
i. 試圖再發明新的技巧,是不對的 - 汲取成功的人是怎麼做的技巧,而你也想達到這樣的成就,就照他們的方式去做。
Copyrighted 2004
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