Your classroom management profile
譯者: 吳清良 老師
What is your classroom management profile?
Answer these 12 questions and learn more about your classroom management profile. The steps are simple:
Read each statement carefully.
Write your response, from the scale below, on a sheet of paper.
Respond to each statement based upon either actual or imagined classroom experience.
Then, follow the scoring instructions below. It couldn't be easier!
1 = Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
2 = Disagree 不同意
3 = Neutral 沒意見
4 = Agree 同意
5 = Strongly Agree 非常同意
(1) If a student is disruptive during class, I assign him/her to detention, without further discussion.
(2) I don't want to impose any rules on my students.
(3) The classroom must be quiet in order for students to learn.
(4) I am concerned about both what my students learn and how they learn.
(5) If a student turns in a late homework assignment, it is not my problem.
(6) I don't want to reprimand a student because it might hurt his/her feelings.
(7) Class preparation isn't worth the effort.
(8) I always try to explain the reasons behind my rules and decisions.
(9) I will not accept excuses from a student who is tardy.
(10) The emotional well-being of my students is more important than classroom control.
(11) My students understand that they can interrupt my lecture if they have a relevant question.
(12) If a student requests a hall pass, I always honor the request.
◎ 註: 有些學校於上課期間,除特殊原因外,學生是不得在教室外走動的。如有需要,學校在開學時發給每班若干不同顏色、種類的通行證,如公差、上廁所、醫療、輔導等。導師根據需求發不同顏色的通行證,依據顏色限定能走動的區域。學校行政人員於巡堂時,若發現沒有(或顏色不對的)通行證的學生在外閒蕩,則將其逮捕並帶至拘留室置留、詢問原因及通知導師前來領回。
To score your quiz,
Add your responses to statements 1, 3, and 9. This is your score for the authoritarian style.
把敘述1, 3, 9項 的得分加總,這是有關『專制式』風格的得分。
Statements refer to the authoritative style.
把敘述4, 8, 11項 的得分加總,這是有關『專家式』風格的得分。
Statements 6, 10, and 12 refer to the laissez-faire style.
把敘述6, 10, 12項 的得分加總,這是有關『放任式』風格的得分。
Statements 2, 5, and 7 refer to the indifferent style.
把敘述2, 5, 7項 的得分加總,這是有關『冷漠式』風格的得分。
The result is your classroom management profile. Your score for each management style can range from 3 to 15. A high score indicates a strong preference for that particular style. After you have scored your quiz, and determined your profile, read the descriptions of each management style. You may see a little bit of yourself in each one.
所得結果,就是你的班級管理風格。你的各種班級管理風格得分由 3 至 15分。分數愈高,表示你對該特定的風格有較強的喜好。在你把簡測計完分後,找出你的風格,再閱讀有關各色風格的描述。你可能會發現,每一種你都沾到一點。
As you gain teaching experience, you may find that your preferred style(s) will change. Over time, your profile may become more diverse or more focused. Also, it may be suitable to rely upon a specific style when addressing a particular situation or subject. Perhaps the successful teacher is one who can evaluate a situation and then apply the appropriate style. Finally, remember that the intent of this exercise is to inform you and arouse your curiosity regarding classroom management styles.
The classroom management styles are adaptations of the parenting styles discussed in Adolescence, by John T. Santrock. They were adapted by Kris Bosworth, Kevin McCracken, Paul Haakenson, Marsha Ritt er Jones, Anne Grey, Laura Versaci, Julie James, and Ronen Hammer.
本班級管理風格是引用自John T. Santrock成人教育中父母管教風格篇的論述。此風格分類也被下列人士採用過:有Kris Bosworth, Kevin McCracken, Paul Haakenson, Marsha Ritt er Jones, Anne Grey, Laura Versaci, Julie James, 及 Ronen Hammer
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