The ABCs of Bullying Prevention
By Dr. Kenneth Shore
Kenneth Shore博士著
譯者: 吳清良 老師
Dealing with Bullies
Bullying is a serious and pervasive problem in our schools. Surveys indicate that 15 to 20 percent of children are bullied in school at some point. For those who are the targets of bullying, the incidents can be the most painful experiences of childhood, often leaving lasting scars. Victims can experience anxiety, fear, and even depression for years to come.
Bullying also can affect those students who witness the incidents -- the bystanders. Bullying can give rise to a climate of fear and anxiety in a school, distracting students from their schoolwork and impeding their ability to learn. Students who witness their classmates being victimized wonder, am I going to be next??The possibility of being bullied can cause students to live in a state of fear, focusing on little else. That isn't surprising when you consider that children who were surveyed rated bullying the second worst experience of childhood -- second only to the death of a loved one.
霸凌行為也會影響到目擊事件的學生 - 旁觀者。霸凌能導致校內產生恐懼及焦躁的氣氛、使學生無法專心於課業、 妨害他們的學習能力。目擊同學受害的學生會想:我是不是下一位受害者?受霸凌的可能性,使得學生生活在恐懼中,無法專心。你想,孩童會把霸凌列為第二最糟的兒時經驗 - 僅次於親人的過世,這是一點兒也不訝異的。
Despite the pervasiveness and potential seriousness of bullying, it is a problem that often escapes detection by teachers. One study found that only four percent of bullying episodes were observed by school staff. Even when teachers are made aware of bullying, they sometimes turn a blind eye. They might view it as a harmless rite of passage that is best ignored. The reality, however, is that bullying is not harmless and it must not be ignored.
It is critical that teachers be on the lookout for signs of bullying. Although teachers might not actually witness a bullying incident (bullies are very adept at tormenting their victims outside the presence of adults), they should see the results of the bullying. A child who is bullied might show any or all of the following characteristics:
anxiety in class.
frequent visits to the school nurse.
a decline in academic performance.
unusual sadness or withdrawal from peers.
unexplained bruises.
This column describes strategies teachers can use to deal with bullying in the classroom. If schools are to make real headway preventing incidents of bullying, however, the strategies need to be part of a school-wide anti-bullying campaign that has the commitment of staff, students, and parents.
Learn More About Bullying Prevention
Dr. Ken Shore, with National Professional Resources, has just released a 4-video series on bullying that offers a comprehensive bullying prevention program. This program includes separate videos for principals, teachers, para-professionals, and parents, as well as an accompanying book. For further information on the program, see The ABCs of Bullying Prevention.
Ken Shore博士於「國家專業資源室」工作。剛出版了四系列的霸凌影帶,提供了全面性的霸凌防止計畫。此計畫包含了不同的影帶,分別給校長、老師、專業輔佐人員、及家長,並附上一本書。對此計畫更進一步的資訊,請看霸凌防止初步。
Act immediately if you observe or hear of bullying taking place. Don't let it continue on the assumption that children need to learn to stand up for themselves. Bullies are often bigger and stronger than their victims, who often lack the physical ability or verbal skills to adequately defend themselves. Allowing bullying to continue might result in the bullied child being hurt physically or psychologically.
Talk privately with the bully. Give the bully an opportunity to explain her behavior, but expect her to downplay her actions or place the blame on the victim. If you are confident that she was engaging in bullying, let her know that further incidents will not be tolerated. Tell her that you and other staff will be monitoring her behavior very closely and disciplinary action, including notifying her parents, will be taken if another incident occurs. (Or you might decide that the incident warrants disciplinary action rather than just a warning.) After putting the bully on notice, try to elicit her cooperation. Tell her you don't believe she really wants to hurt another child and ask for her ideas about resolving the problem. You might find that a sympathetic approach elicits kinder and gentler behavior. Bullies bully for a reason -- to gain status with or power over peers, to punish a child they are angry at or jealous of, to vent frustration with problems at home or in school. Try to identify what is behind the bullying and provide appropriate support.
私下與施霸凌者談談。給施霸凌者一個機會,來解釋他的行為。但要料到他會輕描淡寫他的惡行,或責怪受害者。如你有把握確定他正在施霸凌惡行,讓他知道再這樣搞下去,是不能容忍的。告訴他,你及其他的老師會非常密切地監督他的行為。如他再犯,就要採取紀律行動:包括通知其父母 (或你可決定此事值得採取紀律行動,而非只是警告而已)。 在告之施霸凌者之後,嘗試要求他的合作。告訴他:你不認為他是真的想傷害別的小孩,並問他:對解決問題有些什麼點子?你或許會發現用同情的方法,可引出更友善及更溫和的行為。施霸凌者之要施霸凌,有一個理由:取得優勢或較同儕有力,或因他們對那受害者感到氣憤或嫉妒而懲罰他,藉以一吐悶氣,此悶氣是在學校或家中因問題產生而累積來的。試著找出施霸凌背後的真正原因,再提供適合的援助。
Keep in mind that the purpose of disciplining the bully is to deter her aggressive actions not to humiliate or embarrass her. Insist that the bully return any items she has taken from the victim. You also might want to exclude the bully from places or activities where she has harassed other students, remove classroom privileges, or give her detention. Notify her parents immediately of what she has done and ask that they have a serious talk with their child about her behavior. You might want to consider having the parents in for a conference. Solicit their support for the steps you are taking in school. The principal also might decide the incident is serious enough that it warrants a suspension from school. On the day of the student𠏋 return to school, she might be required to come in with her parents and sign a contract in which she agrees not to engage in any further bullying behavior. The contract should define the prohibited behaviors in a specific manner and set out consequences if she does not abide by the contract.
記住,對施霸凌者採紀律行動的目的,是在阻止他的侵犯行為,而非去羞辱或使他難堪。堅持施霸凌者一定要把他從受害者處掠取來的東西還回去。你也可以不讓施霸凌者去,在他曾騷擾過別的同學的地方、或參加該類活動、 拿掉他在班上的特許權、或將其留置。立即通知其父母:他所做的事,及請求父母能跟其孩子好好地談:有關他的行為。你也可考慮請父母到學校來開個會,請求他們支持你在學校為這孩子所採取的措施。校長也可決定此事件,是否嚴重到該休學的地步?在學生返回學校的第一天,要求他要跟家長一起回來,並簽署一份合約。合約內敘明:他同意不再從事任何霸凌行為。此合約應明確地列出禁止的行為,並設立好隨後的行動,以便學生無法遵守合約時可為之。
Don't neglect the victim. Just as the bully warrants your attention, so does the victim. Ask her what happened and listen sympathetically and attentively. Let her know that she is not to blame for the bullying. Encourage her to tell you of other incidents and reassure her that you will make every possible effort to stop it. You also might want to help her learn how to be assertive with bullies without being aggressive. Try role-playing, suggesting what she might do or say during a bullying incident to project a greater air of confidence. Make sure the student knows that she should not respond physically, however. Retaliation only escalates a bully's aggression. You might want to inform the victim's parents what happened and what actions you have taken. (Let the child know you will be doing that.) Give the student frequent pats on the back to boost her confidence and increase her feelings of comfort. Talk with her periodically to ask if the problem is continuing; if so, take action.
不要忽略了受害者。正如施霸凌者值得你的注意,受害者也一樣。問受害者所發生的事,並同情地及注意地聽。讓他知道發生霸凌事件,錯不在他。鼓勵他告訴你:是否還有其它的事件?並向他保證你會儘力來阻止霸凌。你也可協助他學習,如何在施霸凌者面前是堅強的、卻不會侵犯的。試用角色扮演,當他面臨霸凌事件時,該如何做與說,以突顯出其較大信心的氣魄。然而,一定要使學生知道:他不可用體力來對抗。報復只會升高施霸凌者的侵犯氣焰。你可通知受害者的家長所發生的事,及你已採取的行動 (讓孩子知道你將這樣做),給學生不斷地安撫,以增強其信心及安慰感。隔一段時間與他談談,問他問題是否仍存在?如果還在,採取行動。
Survey the class about bullying. The results of an anonymous survey might help you gauge the extent and types of bullying taking place, as well as the places where it is occurring. Of course, that also can be done on a school-wide basis, and serve as a benchmark to assess the impact of any programs intended to lessen the occurrence of bullying.
Hold a class meeting to discuss bullying. With younger students, you might want to begin by reading a story suited to their age, such as The Berenstain Bears and the Bully. Make it clear that bullying other children is a serious matter and that it will not be allowed in your classroom. Talk with students about what bullying is; give examples of bullying and ask for examples from students. Consider writing their ideas on the chalkboard. Discuss how children who are bullied might feel; write those ideas on the board as well. Ask if any students want to share their experiences of being bullied, but do not let them talk about specific students. Ask students what they might do if they see another student being bullied. Encourage them to either take action to stop the bullying or report it to an adult.
Pay attention to students who are isolated from their peers. Isolated students are the most likely targets for bullies. Help those students become involved with their peers by arranging for friendly and accepting students to invite them to join in classroom or playground activities. You also might arrange for students who are loners to engage in activities together. Those students might need your help to learn what to say and do when interacting with peers. They might not know what to say to initiate an activity with a classmate or to join an ongoing activity.
Encourage children to be kind to one another. Praise children who act in a kind or sensitive way to classmates. You also might recognize children who display those behaviors by giving certificates or rewards at school assemblies. You can promote the kinder and gentler side of students by offering them opportunities to help others. Perhaps the most important step you can take to help children treat one another respectfully is to model that behavior in your own interactions with your students. That means avoiding the use of sarcasm or putdowns, for example.
Advocate for your school to develop an anti-bullying policy. Talk with your principal about putting an anti-bullying policy in place or bring up the topic at a staff meeting. The policy should specifically define what constitutes bullying, describe its impact on individuals, discuss ways of preventing bullying, and list a graduated series of consequences for those who continue to bully others.
For information on Dr. Shore's new anti-bullying video series, see The ABCs of Bullying Prevention.
想知 Shore博士新出的反霸凌系列影帶,請看霸凌防止初步。
Dr. Kenneth Shore is a psychologist and chair of a child study team for the Hamilton, New Jersey Public Schools. He has written five books, including Special Kids Problem Solver and Elementary Teacher's Discipline Problem Solver.
Kenneth Shore博士是位心理學家也擔任紐澤西公立學校Hamilton區孩童學習小組的主席。他寫了五本書,包含「特殊兒童問題解決法」、及「國小老師處置紀律問題的解決法」。
Article by Dr. Ken Shore
Education World
Copyright c 2005 Education World
以上由Ken Shore博士撰文
版權屬 教育世界出版社 2005年
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