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aghire hi hide hi high hi hiss hi hill hi huge huidea id hide id kids id lids id said id hulk hujugs gs jags gs jigs gs lugs gs hugs gs hulk huside de hide de deal de dear de deaf de said de;;; Ask Ask ;;; Ada Ada ;;; See See ;;; Sal Sal::: Del Del ::: Elk Elk ::: Fae Fae ::: Gae Gaeaaa Jaa Jaa aaa Kaa Kaa aaa Laa Laa aaa :aa :aaaaa Jed Jed aaa Lea Lea aaa Hal Hal aaa :aa Heraaa Had Had aaa Use Use aaa Led Led aaa Les LesDa Dale Dale Sl Sl Slade Slade Dale Slade DieleI guess Lisa is here; He has held a shell sale;In August; He said: Jill likes his red salads;Sue fed us egg salads. Ed fed us eggs Ask Red.Fred sells red jugs; red jars are free. See usAsk Dr. Grass. Dr. Grass leads us all. See AlKit Hale has all the files. has the last list.Da Da Dale Dale Sl Slade Slade Dale Slade DieleKate had a late file; it is the; the last list;I had a list; Keith has left his list the lake;This the field test that Sid Dahl let Tal take.She had his aid; held the jet; this is the listIt is; it the; if it is; if it is the; if I hadlll lol ooo ;;; ;p; ppp ooo ppp lol ;p; olo p;plol log log lol jog jog lol off off lol old old;p; lap lap ;p; pot pot ;p; put put ;p; per perrock soar cordroll took pull plan paid purposeDuring August Letter Amout People Street OfficeRod heard the talk; I hope; They did all right;aqa quo quo aqa qui qui aqa aue aue aqa seq saqsws sow sow sws saw saw sws low low sws who whoquest quite quit quell show with want would toowithout queried require weather square week howI with I to take part; Queen made a quidk trip;uj uj us use due due hut hurt fun sun nut nursewe ws wit with worn sworn how show win won whenhad the food for the fair. Rod heard the talk.Dr. Hale asked us to go out to see Jeff. askedHello; Dear Al: Dear Ree: Dear Lu: Dear Sir:jnj nun nun jnj jmj run jnj sun njn not mjm notjmj jam jam jmj ham ham jmj him him jmj mar marfrf from frf free frf fret frf fray frf frt fryjuj just juj jugs juj judo juj junk juj jdo jnkfvf five fvf save fvf pave fvf nave fvf eve fvfjnj June jnj Joan jnj Jane jnj Jean jnj Jac jnjdcd dice dcd dock dcd iced dcd deck dcd dsk dcdnow nor and one mar mad sum gum hum To Mr. Urm:Jockson and Quentin saved ski men in this cave.Ann will go to France with Tom and Pam in June.dcd acd ccc ded cod fvf dcd ice fbf cdc vfv bgbcue cut cur be, box by, bud velvet valves vividDear Vic: If you see Mary, ask her to call me.Bendit: Be sure to drop by as soon as you san.Your paper will arrive within the hour for Pat.Please; the jury thinks a fight is never right.sxs six six sxs zaz fix fix sxs wax sxs tax zazaaa aza zzz aaa aza zzz aaa zaz zzz aza zip aaaaza zip zip aza zig zig zaz zoo zoo aza zed zedaza buzzers aza zestful aza dizzily aza zag zigfox sox axe lax flax zeal heze freeze size dozeDear Ozzie: We all liked her six jazz records.Rex could fix the short tax for you and Hazard.k,k l.l dr. as, l.l sr. is, us, fr. to, do, Us.;/; his/her ;/; we/they ;/; you/she ;/; n/c n/cWell, the skill, or arts, or should be, useful.Jay: He told use he liked it; I liked it, too.Ralph: Ask Dr. Grass. Gr. Grass leads us all.Two kinds of current: the a/c and d/c. by, beThere is no charge. Mark the bill n/c. a dealDear Bob: I think we can count on Alex the zooYour paper will arrive within the hour with us.The jury thinks a fight is never right. expectaqa ;p; sws lol ded kik frf juj ftf jyj fgf fgfjhj aza l.l sxs k,k dcd jmj fvf jnj fbf ;/; ;';;p; ;'; ;p-; ';;' ;?; ;"; ;--; ;'"; ;;; ;?; ;";;;; ;/; ;/?; ;??; ;;; ;/; ;/?; ;??; ;?; ;?; :?:bule-gray one-gigth left-hand, how? why? you?Who is here? "I'm Vi's cousin." He is "A-OK."can't? I think--well, I hope--I did all right.Dear Jack: How did you do on the quiz? think-Dear Elizabeth: If you might those over-shoes,Dear Rex: The trip to Quebec was quite excitedI wish that you had been with us to see the newjet planes samck the sky in the air show. Thisxis new jets took off with a whine of engine tosoar up and zoom above our heads like a squadonof comets. Our eyes followed there feathers ofthe white path, and then it was gone from view.11 arts 11 axes 11 aims 11 alms 11 aces all 111sw2s s2ws s22s s22s s2s2 s2s2 all 222 and 1,122The 12 men and the 22 boys played 12 full gamesaq1a sw2s de3d fr4f a11a s22s d33d f44f all andde3d de3d d33d d33d d3d3 d3d3 all 333 and 1,12333 dads 33 dips 33 duew 33 dots 33 dogs 32 3:13Did the man catch 12 or 24 fish in the 13 days?fr4f fr4f fr4f f44f f4f4 f4f4 all 444 and 1,442ft5f f55f jy6j j66j 55 find 5/55 6:50 6/66 5.2355 fell tt find 55 fewer 55 fix 55 fuss 5/5 5:1The answer to No. 155 is either 55 1/2 or 5 2/566 join 66 jump 66 more 66 must 66 have 1/6 2:6We shall need 6 pencils or 6 pens for the 6 menju7j ju7j j77j j77j j7j7 j7j7 you 7 for 123,47777 jugs 77 jars 77 jigs 77 jets 77 jogs 7/4 7:1ki8k ki8k k88k k88k k8k8 k8k8 irk 888 for 1,47888 kits 88 keys 88 kids 88 inks 88 inns 8/8 8:1lo9l lo9l l99l l99l l9l9 l9l9 all 999 for 4,78999 lots 99 lids 99 law2 99 logs 99 less 9/9 9:1Train No. 9 departs at 12:30 a.m. or 17:48 p.m.00 1010, there were 8 men in each of 70 lodges.3901 1802 4705 5604 1005 9306 8207 6509 106,567l9l l(l l9l; ala; a!a !!! aq!a aq!a (1) (9) (a)sss sw2s sw2s sw@s sw@s @@@ s2s s2s s@s s@s @@@ddd de3d de3d de#d de#d ### d3d d3d d#d d#d ###fff fr4f fr4f fr$f fr$f $$$ f4f f4f f$f f$f $$$fff ft5f ft5f ft%f ft%t %%% f5f f5f f%f f%f %%%It ought to buy 20@ 135$ than to buy 15 @ 140$.Use $ and @ when typing bills; as; @ 198$ a lb.I call, "Help!" Did he "beg"? How he "cried"!I am (1) tall, (2) dark, and (3) very handsome.jyj jy^j ju7j ju&j ki*k k8k k*k ;\; ;/; j^j j&jShift to type the @, #, $, and 5 on this print.Paul's 4% not (for $75) was paid by Check b:\level copy b:abc Howe type in ALL AFTERS.Tom* used an asterisk (*) in several FOOTNOTSE.The Check #23 for $150 pays Howe & King"s bill.It is up to me to see if you can get up the hill at all.All is not lost if he is too late to see the sun fade.If we like to do a job, we do the best we can all the time.Go to the big store with me and buy big new pots and pans.A swift brook bruised the hungry swan dedicated to bread.Nylon lobsters hung from the school plaza in multitudes.Overburdened grocers brought a hungry multitude bread.The eccentric recluse dedicated a soliloquy to the braggart.All Of Us Must Make Great Efforts To Do Our Best Every Time.On Hot Days It Is Good To Keep The Air Moving And Very Cool.Tap The Keys At A Steady Pace First Slowly And Then Faster.It Is True That If We Want To Type Fast, We Will Work Hard.The bookkeeper carelessly summarized the missing account.The assassinated ambassador embarrassed the officials.Bigger communities are getting aggressive committees.Sweet rabbits are running to attack the staggering queen.We'll go home quickly every time you jump and scream.If you call before I finish the zoo, I won't come.There are many different sizes of footwear just today.Quick, look at the black pair for exciting evenings!Believe me, "Love quickens the pace of the world."Excuse me, I'm just a little dazzled by love.The zinnias were exciting to view climbing up porches.You can pick them quite easily from the janitor's door.cooperation coordination corporation sew sewer seemfight might night knight sale sail sell cell swalesought caught brought bought able cable tablewalk wake wait weight ankle any angle angel andconvert concert conceive receive dig dug dunkthrough throw threw three plead plaid pleasefit fat fate feat invert inert invent invitemind mine mend main pole poll polar popularquiet quite quit quaint rain rein rime reamconsul counsel council count vary very varietyI will come with you each day you try to be on time.We can stay as late as the dogs dig up the big bones.The boy can run as fast as the cat, but the cat can meow.Come to the party when you are tired of all the balls.Will you say the right words for me at the right time?The stars were bright last night, and the sun is now.So if you want to keep the kite, fly it in the park.Sue said to go to the store as fast as your legs will go.He is too busy to sail the boat near the far shore.She is not nice to the ones who came from the hill. In the future robots will be programmed to perform highlycomplex tasks. For the present, however, they are most oftenused for doing work which is so simple, dull, and repetitiousas to be damaging to the human mind. This mind-damaging work isideal for robots. They can do such work indefinitely and withgreater precision and reliability than human beings. It is certain that as the use of robots becomes morewidespread, a large portion of the present human work forcewill lose its jobs. This seems inevitable. History has shownus, however, that technological advances produce more jobs thanthey eliminate. Such jobs would include designing,constructing, maintaining, and repairing robots. Even thedesign and management of the industrial workplace will requirespecially trained personnel. Like the Industrial Revolution,more highly-skilled labor is going to replace less-skilledlabor. New jobs will demand specialized knowledge and skills orthey too will be replaced by robots. But the threat of unemployment is not the only danger ordifficulty society will face during this transition to the Ageof Robotics. It also seems inevitable that ways will be foundto use these advances in technology for destructive, criminal,and war-re; ated ends. Robots will be used to controlairplanes, tanks, missiles, ships and submarines. Perhaps inthe more distant future, humanoids will be programmed to act aspolitical assassins and warriors. Computer crime, too, willfind new frontiers in the field of robotics. With the passing of time, the gap separating man and hismachines will diminish. The humanoids of the distant future arecertain to be superhuman in most respects. Fiction writers andfuturists even speculate that it may eventually become possibleto endow robots with creativity, insight, and many otherdistinctly human characteristics. They would than continue toevolve into a separate race of superhuman beings, either incompetition or cooperation with mankind. All of this may or maynot become a reality, but what seems certain is that mankind'sage-long conquest over nature and his endless search formeaning, identity, and spiritual fulfillment will meet its mostdemanding challenge when it ultimately faces a race of machineswhich is in most repsects superior to itself. Word processing can be defined in a few words. Wordprocessing can have a various meanings to different people. Forinstance, word processing is in a small office may only be theinstallation of some hardware and the training of possible twooperators. The large office probably install would either severalstand-alone units or a shared logic system which allows morethan one keyboard to use the remote printing facilities on aqueueing basis; on keyboards and VDU's which would access themain computer being used for data processing, etc. Special function keys are used to scroll the image throughthe display window and exit the text, as well as input oroutput text to or from the internal memory. It has a limitedinternal memory in which can be stored constant phrases or pageformats used for standard letters. The machine is also equipped with a two line buffer whichpermits the automatic correction of text by simply pressing afunction key. This buffer acts as a temporary memory. Text may be justified by selection of the appropriatemode. A special function key is available to automaticallycentre text. An automatic paragraph indentation may be madewith a special function key. The margin release key is nowknown as a MARGIN BYPASS on an electronic typewriter. On some machines it is possible to switch to a secondkeyboard (keyboard II) when typing text in a language otherthan English, e.g. Italian, Greek, French, etc., which containsaccents over the letters. The symbols over the letters are madeby using "dead keys" which prevent the printing moving untilthe character or letter is typed. It is also possible to perform the automatic distributionof spaces between columns and the automatic adjustment of thetab stops so that each column is perfectly balanced in respectto the margins. This is known as "column layout". The method of printing depends upon the machinery beingused. The machinery is called the hardware of word processing.With electronic typewriters and some word processors, theprinting occurs in the same way as work typed on an electrictypewriter, i.e. the machine has a platen, paper bails, thumbwheels, etc. and the paper is inserted and removed as usual. A machine iwth an attached printer is called an integralprinter, which prevents the previous document is printed out.Those with a separate printer are called remote (or separate)printers, which allows the operator to keyboard anotherdocument while the previous work is printing out. There are twomain types of printers for word processing the impact printerand the ink jet printer. The ink jet printer is a non-impact printer which spraysthe ink out and subsequently is much faster. An ink jet printercan output at approximately 90 cps. Magcards may be fed intothe printer for printing out. Continuous stationery may be usedin both types of printers. When printing out standard letter,it is also possible to print out the addressed enveloped to gowith them. A remote printer may use detachable mechanisms for feedingthe paper through. These are known as the hopper or tractorfeed. The hopper feed inserts single sheets or packs from abulk supply. The tractor feed is used for printing oncontinuous stationery. Another speedy method of printing is bydo matrix. The image on the paper appears to be a collection ofdots. This type of printer is usually more associated withcomputers. The appearance of the print on paper would not besuitable for a final hard copy but would be most suitable for afirst draft. Another printer used is a line printer. This is a speedyprinter which reproduces a line at a time but is lacking inquality printing and seems only suitable for first drafts inword processing. It is frequently used with computers. The most recent printing innovation is the laser printerwhich uses laser light beams for very high speed printing. Likethe ink jet printer, it is not an impact printer. It is capableof printing approximately 180 cps. Some printers arebidiredtional, which means that printing occurs as the printingmechanism travels to the right and when it is returning to theleft. If I were seventeen again, I would want to live on aKentucky hill farm. I would want to grow up and live wherethere are trees, meadows and streams. If I couldn't live on alarge farm, a few acres would do. But I would want space tohunt over, and with a stream or lake nearby where I could fish.I would want to mow the meadows with a span of horses or mulesand haul the hay to the barn on a hay wagon. I believe the boy or girl who hasn't ridden on a hay wagonhas missed something in his youth. If he hasn't smellednew-mown clover, he has missed the finest wind a youth everbreathed. In the spring of the year, if I were seventeen again,I'd want to take long walks into the woods. I'd want to get acquainted with all kinds of birds, howthey build their nests and the kind of materials they use, whatcolor and size eggs they lay--from the hoot owl to the chickenhawk and sparrow--and how and what they feed their young. I'dwant to know all about the animals--foxes, possums, coons,rabbits skunks, minks, weasels, groundhogs and all others. I would want to know and I would find out what they ate,where they lived, what animals were friendly to each other andwhich were enemies. This is a world every teen-age boy shouldknow. I've never seen one yet who didn't love the animal world.And I would protect each nondestructive animal, eachnondestructive bird. I would want to know the hunting laws,abide by them, and help restock and protect the game so itwould be here for the next seventeen-year-old when he camealong. I would also learn the names of wild flowers and plantsthat grow in the woods, I would also want to learn the kinds oftrees. I'd want to learn them so when I touched the bark on thedarkest nights I could identify the tree. I'd want to fox-hunton April nights when the trees were leafing and hear a pack ofhounds running the fox all night. And I would want to own atleast one hound dog and have him in the chase. A boy seventeen who has not stood on a high hilltop underthe stars or a bright moon and listened to the music of barkinghounds has missed something really great. Stars, moon, a highhill, the loneliness of night, and barking hounds, is awholesome enjoyment. It puts character in a young man. It giveshim something he cannot get any place else. I used to writehigh-school themes for my English class by lantern light ormoonlight as I listened for the hounds to come back in hearingdistance. The clerical activities of the purchasing department,while of a routine nature, are very important; and they must behandled with high degree of accuracy. For example, in thetyping of a purchase order, the complete description of theitem concerned, the quantity required, the price and discount,the shipping or receiving date, and the mode of shipping mustbe precise and accurate to insure a suitable delivery to meetthe needs of the ordering department. Furthermore, the preparation of requests for quotations,of followup or expediting forms, and of other types ofpurchasing redords, as well as the checking of vendors'invoices nad the formal inspection of shiipments of quality,must be accomplished in a dependable, prompt, and efficientmanner. There is an inescapable direct relationship between theaccurate information contained on such primary froms and theprofit potential of the business enterprise. Within the past decade, many large business firmsthroughout the country have been installing electronic dataprocessing equipment to assist in performing the routinepurchasing procedures mentioned above. Although the adoption ofsuch automated procedures does not change the function of thepurchasing department, it does eliminate tedious, costly paperwork, as well as improve control over many purchasingoperations. In addition, data processing offers quickavailability of some types of information nad calculations thathave heretoforebeen almost impossible to obtain by manualclerical efforts. With the advent of such electronic machines, the clericalworker in the purchasing department will have to assume greaterresponsibilities than ever before; he will need to improve hispresent skill or learn a new skill in order to adjust to newprocedures requiring fast and accurate judgment. There shouldbe no ceiling to advancement for the individual who keepsabreast of the latest developments in purchasing and who isable to respond alertly to them. As a mater olf fact, thecompetent, well-qualified clerical worker may attain asupervisory or managerial position in the company. To be recognized as a goood candidate for advancement, youwill need to have the proper attitude toward your work as wellas proficient skills. A loyal and discreet attitude will winthe confidence and trust of your superiors, and enthusiasm andgenuine interest in your work can lead to greaterresponsibility. If your interest in your work is genuine, you will takepride in your work and will be concerned with the welfare ofthe company. You will masterr the details of your job and willbe willing to acdept responsibility for your own decisions. Youwill continually work to make yourself well-informed and thusmore valuable to your employer by reading relevant trademagazines, newspapers, and other general interest material. Youwill also be interested in occasionally taking and eveningcourse to help you learn more about your employer's field andyour own work. Many companies encourage employees to takejob-related courses by providing incentives such as tuitionassistance or time off. Loyalty--toward your company, your superior, and yourwork--is an attribute essential for advancement consideration.This is an attribute that you cannot simply assume when you arehired but one that you must that you cannot simply assume whenyou are hired but one that you must develop as you learn aparticular job and come to know the people for whom you work.Although you should demonstrate discretion from the very firstday of a job, you will begin to develop true loyalty only afterthe initial strangeness has worn off. You will begin to feelthat you are a part of the company "family" when you realizethat the work you do is indeed important and that it needs tobe accomplished efficiently and skillfully. You should behonest about your loyalty, however; if you think that youcannot agree with company policies or that the company orsuperior does not deserve your loyalty for some reason, youshould consider taking another job. Enthusiasm for your work and willingness to do what isasked of you cheerfully will promote goodwill and is a positivemethod of displaying genuine loyalty. Enthusiasm is bothinfectious and attention-getting. The right combination ofskill and enthusiasm can bring you to your superior's noticevery quickly and can help lead to prompt advancement. In summer, if I were seventeen again, I wouldn't missworking on a farm. I wouldn't miss plowing and harrowing land,planting seeds in the ground and hoeing vegetables and plowingthe young green corn. I would want to work without a shirt,work in shorts and work barefooted. Because the feel of loosewarm dirt to one's feet is a good thing in one's growth. Ialways hate to see a colt that has run barefooted over thepasture have to how to steel shoes. His being shod is that grimreminder that his youth is ended. I would, if I were back at seventeen, learn all I couldabout planting. I would want to be able, if I were cut awayfrom all money-earning jobs or positions, to grow my food fromthe soil, I would want to specialize in growing one particularthing. And I'd want to specialize in growing a breed of cattleor a kind of hogs, or rabbits, or chickens. And I would wantpets too--a coon, groundhog or squirrel. Or, I would want a pethawk, such as I once had, that flew to places where I fishedand sat in a tree above me until I flipped a minnow from thestream. Then, soon as he saw the minnow dangling, he would flydown and eat it. If I were seventeen again, I'd try to build my bodystrong. I wouldn't drink anything intoxicating. I wouldn'tsmoke until I got my growth, I'd want to build my body sostrong, that if I were ever forced to used my fists, it wouldhave the force of a kicking mule. I'd want to have thestrength, and did have at seventeen, to lift the end of smallsaw log or to carry a green crosstie or a turning plow or thehind carriage of a joltwagon. I'd want to be able to do thesethings whether I could or not. A young man rejoices in strengthand he can build strength by proper work and recreationalexercises. If I were back at seventeen, I'd want to find beeswatering on the hot sand by some little stream, course them totheir tree, cut the tree at night and rob the bees. I'd want afew bee stings too. A boy who has never found a wild bee tree,robbed bees and tasted wild honey has missed a lot in life. I wouldn't want to ride a bus to school either, unless Ilived too many miles away. One of the greatest track men I evertaught, one of the smallest and weakest boys I had in highschoold, refused to ride eight miles on a bus to school(sixteen miles a day) but instead he walked and ran to and fromschool with a wrist watch to check his time. He didn't let aboy on the track squad know what he was doing. In his firstthree years in high school he didn't win a race. In his senioryear he ran the fastest mile ever recorded in his school. Hisrecord still holds. As the days passed and the memory of Whitechapel grewfainter, Flush, lying colse to Miss Barrett on the safa, readher feelings more clearly than ever before. They had beenparted; now they were together. Indeed they had never been somuch akin. Every start she gave, every movement she made,passed through him too. And she seemed now to be perpetuallystarting and moving. The delivery of a parcel even made herjump. She opened the parcel; with trembling fingers she tookout a pair of thick boots. She hid them instantly in the cornerof the cupboard. Then she lay down as if nothing had happened; yetsomething had happened. When they were alone she rose and tooka diamond necklace from a drawer. She took out the box thatheld Mr. Browning's letters. She laid the boots, the necklaceand the letters all in a carpet-box together and then--as ifshe heard a step on the stair--she pushed the box under the bedand lay down hastily, covering herself with her shawl again.Such sings of secrecy and stealth must herald, Flush felt, someapproaching criseis. Were they about to fly together? Were theyabout to escape together from this awful world of dog-stealersand tyrants? Oh, that it were possible! He trembled and whinedwith excitement; but in her low voice Miss Barrett bade him bequiet, and instantly he was quiet. She was very quiet too. Shelay perfectly still on the sofa directly any of her brothers orsisters came in; she lay and talked to Mr. Barrett as shealways lay and talked to Mr. Barrett. But on Saturday, the 12th of September, Miss Barrett didwhat Flush had never known her do before. She dressed herselfas if to go out directly agter breakfast. Moreover, as hewatched her dress, Flush knew perfectly well from theexpression on her face that he was not to go with her. She wasbound on secret business of her own. At ten Wilson came intothe room. She also was dressed as if for a walk. They went outtogether; and Flush lay on the sofa and waited for theirreturn. An hour or so later Miss Barrett came back alone. Shedid not look at him--she seemed to notice nothing. She drew offher gloves and for a moment he saw a gold ring shine on one ofthe fingers of her left hand. Then he saw her slip the ringfrom her hand and hide it in the darkness of a drawer. Then shelaid herself down as usual on the sofa. He lay by her sidescarcely daring to breathe, for whatever had happened, andsomething had happened, it must at all costs be concealed. It is usual for manufacturers of the hardware to supplyprograms to suit the particular applications of the purchaser.A "package" may be supplied in the form of a cartrudge diskcontaining the program or it can be done during manufacture.Some word processors use a car- tridge disk program which canbe updated when required. It needs to be remembered that the memory of a wordprocessor is part of it, but that the information may also bestored on diskettes or cards which can be removed from themachine and kept separately from it. The floppy diskettes andmagcards are known as discrete media (meaning "separate from").Dual disk systems contain a program disk and work disk. Theprogram disk is supplied by the manufacturer. The work disksare blank until work is stored on them. Some word processors using a cartridge disk program alsohave the option of being able to store work on floppydiskettes. For example, an operator may store work daily andfill a diskette, say, every week. These diskettes are filledaway for approximately six months. After that time, it isconsidered that the information would no longer be required andthe operator would re-use the diskette, automatically erasingthe previous text and storing new work. A word processor is an off-shoot from the computer.Originally, computers were huge complexes of machinery housedin air-conditioned rooms and producing high noise levels. Theintroduction of the microprocessor (silicon chip is a thinwafer of silicon containing circuits for processing vastamounts of information in coded form. The smallest digitalmeasurement of a computer's memory capacity is called a bit(binary digit). A group of eight bits is called a byte. Memorycapacity is usually measured in kilobytes, that is, K's. 1024bytes = 1 kilobyte. A number of bits are strung together torepresent a character or number. The central processing unit of a word processor may belikened to a computer. This unit contains the memory forstoring text as well as the program. A computer cannot doanything unless it has been programmed to do it. In order forthe word processor to carry out its functions, responses haveto be programmed into the main memory either duringmanufacture, or before use. The scope of its ability dependsupon the capacity of its main memory. Small sections of someword processors are used for retaining information for a shorttime only. These are called buffer memories. A buffer memorymay be used to remember the last eight characters typed or thelast two lines typed, which enables a function key toautomatically erase any errors. A buffer memory is also usedwhen moving text from one placeto another in a document, orfrom one document to another. This is also known as temporarymemory or temporary file. Nearly all persons find it difficult to remember numbers,because these do not in themselves represent objects evident tothe senses and therefore material for imagination. We caneasily imagine two gate posts, three siders of a triangle, sixsurfaces of a cube, but when we go beyond this it becomesincreasingly difficult to imagine th quantities of even quitedefinite things. It is still more difficult to picture thenumbers representing quantities of units of measure. A teacher may "feel" that there are thirty-five or fortyboys in his class ty seeing them in complete or broken groups,but, of things such as the number of feet in a mile or thesauare root of a number, only a specially constituted mindcould form the slightest image, numbers in themselves aremeaningless in the imagination. Notwithstanding this abstract character of numbers, theyhave some distinguishable features in their relationships toone another. It is, therefore, possible to develop a greatlyimproved memory of numbers by studying these features, so as toacquire familiarity with their distinctions. To a very little child, a cat and a dog are not at firstdifferent kinds of things, but later the child ovserves theirpoints of difference and recognizes them easily--no longer asindistingushable twins. When non-Asiatic persons first go toJapan or India, they often say that athe Japanese or the Hindupeople are all alike. Frequently they find themselves in theembarrassing position of not being able to distinguish those towhom they have been introduced a day or two before. But lateron they have no such difficulty. At first the general colourand formation of face dominated the mind, and only after it hadbecome quite used to these features did it begin todiscriminate the minor differences. In time, indeed, the newresident forgets the brown colour and does not notice it atall. Similarly do we appreciate the facial meriits of our lovedrelatives, who may be homely or even repulsive to others. Toadd another example: it has often been remarked that a shepherdrecogniezes by their features the members of his flock, whichlook alike to ordinary persons. Most people have not developed a sense of the relationsbetween numbers, and have not practised thinking aboutthem--hence their inability to recognize and remember them.When this faculty of the mind has been developed by practice ofnumber arguments, the numbers will becomee familiar realitieswith strong features of their own, and will be remembered withcomparative ease. That well-known character "the man-in-the-street", thinksof money in amounts of shillings and pounds. Now and then hemay think in hundreds of pounds, or even thousands, if he isconsidering buying some house property, for example. He knowsthat there are people who own a million pounds and he knowsthat there are others who own two million pounds, but to himthere is very little difference between owning one millionpounds and owning two million pounds because he simply cannotpicture using either sum of money. The bigger figures get, theless they mean to us. If our "man-in-the-street" reads in hispaper that the Members of the House of Commons have agreed tothe Government's using the sum of one thousand million poundsfor some special purpose, he experiences no more sense ofsurprise at the size of the sum than he would experience if theamount were seven hundred million pounds, because the figure istoo big to have any relation to money as he understands it. And the same thing is true when the experts begin to speakof the distances between this world in whihc we live and otherworlds or systems of worlds. We have a general idea that ourworld is small and that it is not very important except toourselves. We have often on a clear night looked up at thebeautiful Milky Way, of which we are a part, and it is easy atsuch times to understand that we are not a very important partof it and that if somehow or other we got lost we should not beseriously missed. And the Milky Way itself is only one systemout of millions of equally large and beautiful systems. We knowthese things in a general way but we cannot "picture" them andwhen we are given figures of mass, size, or distance they meanlittle or nothing to most of sus. Even the experts have to findnew measurements in which to express the great distances in asatisfactory way. There is, for example, the measurement of onelight-year. A light-year is a measurement not of time but of distance.It is the distance which light covers in one your movingthroughout that year at the rate of 186,000 miles a second: Itis, in fact, a distance of some 6,000,000,000,000 miles. Byusing this measurement experts can state simply the anotherbody is three or a hundred or four hundred light-years awayfrom us, and they do not need to use figures which over-powerus by their size. But even this measurement is not enough, andthere are other measurement which represent even biggerdistances. One such merasurement equals 3.26 light-years--adistance of nearly 20 million million miles. Communicating word processors are used to transmitinformation, memos, letters and other documents betweendepartments or buildings as well as remote locations. They alsouse communications on word processors to create data and thentransmit it into a computer for processing. The message iscopied on a CRT in one office and the telephone number of therecipient is dialled. When the number is answered, the computeris switched through to the telephone line and transmissionoccurs. SPC exchanges may also be communication. It will soon bepossible to store voice messages electronically. An"intelligent" answering service is already in operation wherenusuccessful telephone calls are redurected to a "receptionist"(computer terminal) which gives a reply, prompted withresponses which appear on the computer terminal. Voice messagescan be stored and later sent on to the intended recippient.Callers using the answering services ususlly think they aretalking to the secretary of the person they intended tocontact. Machines which speak are also being more widely used. Forexample, a travelling salesman who places an order direct to amachine (using a specail keypad and telephone) will receive aspoken response from that machine. It is also possible tomonitor the situation at some remote plant by simplytelephoning. For example, a hydraulics engineer may check onwater levels, faults, etc., at a distant reservoir bytelephoning the computer at that plant. The computer output mayeither be from prerecorded messages played back or the messagecan be synthesised according to the information to be imparted. The difference between electronic message systems andelectronic mail systems is very indistinct. Message systems usecomputers or word processors to transmit short messages such asmemos and assist in their preparation, storage and retraielval.They are usually confined within a single organisation whereasmail systems can be used like the postal services to link anyindividuals or organisations. Communcating between various organisations has previouslybeen possible with telegrams, telex and facsimile, and someword processors. However, the word processors used needed to becompatible. One concept of electronic mail is Teletex. Teletexallows the communcation between different types of wordprocessors and textediting typewriters if namufacturers of themachines keep to a basic set of standards. The standards cover such features as text preparation; useof Latin Based character typewriters; interference-free localoperation during transmisssion or reception of messages;storage in the terminal memory of the prepared messages forautomatic transmission; logging of each messages stored in theterminal memory; rapid transmission -- an A4 page in a matterof seconds; automatic calling, answering and exchangin ormessages; and identity of sender, date and time indication. Facsimile machines provide a means of transmittingpictures onto paper. The documents or electronically scannedand the pulses representing dark and light parts of the pagesare transmitted by telephone lines. The machines are digitalwhich means they are capable of scanning documents at about thesamme spped as a photocopier and storing the information ofrlater transmission. Document transmisssion services uringfacsimile are available both national and internationally. For nearly two years, federal investigators have beenprobing overpricing in the oil industry, and last week theymade their biggest charges yet. Even as the General AccountingOffice was leaking a report criticizing the Department ofEnergy for foot dragging in its petroprobes of smallermiddlemen, was accusing seven of the largest oil companies ofovercharging refineries by $1.7 billion since 1973. The allegedmethod: Selling petroleum at far higher prices than permittedunder domestic crude-oil controls. The major offenders, according to DOE , were Texace, whichis accused of some $888 million in overpricing, and Gulf Oil,with $578 million. Behind them came Standard Oil of California,Atlantic Richfield, Marathon Oil, Standard of Indiana andStandard of Ohio. Rahter than press criminal charges againstthe companies, DOE told them to refund the money, and gave thefirms 40 days to appeal to an administrative law judge.Governement attorneys fear that meeting the strict, "beyond areasonable doubt" standard of proof under criminal law would bealmost impossible considering the technicalities of the case. The companies vigorously denied the charges and respondedthat they had simply been trying to abide by immenselyconfusing DOE regulations. At issue is the seemingly simpledistinction between "old" oil and "new" oil. Under the pricecontrols that Jimmy Carter will begin to phase out next month,petroleum discovered begore 1973 can be sold only at a pricethat now averages $5.86 per bbl. More recently discovered oilfetches $13.06 per bbl. The companies are accused of sellingthe old oil to refineries for the new-oill prices. DOE's ever multiplying regulations have turned thedistinction between old and new into a lawyer's romper room.Complains an attorney for one of the companies: "The Governmentissues the regulations and leaves us to interpret them. Thenthe regulators sit down to decide what they meant in the firstplace, and they get as confused as we do." The DOE investigators say that companies just played fastand loose in interpreting the rules. One mind-boggling exampleof the old-new complexity: A now revised regulation statingthat all petroleum pumped from a field that had even one welldrilled before 1973 must be classified as being old oil. Theidea was to stop companies from getting new-oil prices bydrilling new wells into old reservoirs after 1973. Thecompanies are accused of, among other things, ignoring thisprovision whenever they actually stuck new oil in old-oilfield. Instead of selling it as old oil, they are said to havecharged top dollar. It is usual for manufacturers of the hardware to suppleyprograms to suit the particular applications of the purchaser.A "package" may be supplied in the form of a cartarudge diskcontaining the program or it can be done during manufacture.Some word processors use a cartridge disk program which can beupdated when required. It needs to be remembered that the memory of a wordprocessor is part of it, but that the information may also bestored on diskettes or cards which can be removed from themachine and kept separately from it. The floppy diskettes andmagcards are known as discrete media (meaning "separate from").Dual disk systems contain a propram disk and work disk. Theprogram disk is supplied by the manufacturer. The work disksare blank until work is stored on them. Some word processors using a cartridge disk program alsohave the option of being able to store work on floppydiskettes. For example, an operaator may store work daily andfill a disketter, say, every week. These diskettes are filledaway for approximately six months. After that time, it isconsidered that the information would no longer be required andthe operator would reuse the diskette, automatically erasingthe prpevious text and storing new work. Again, the operator would consult the standard letterfile, where each paragraph has a coded document/file name. Theauthor would only dictate the document/file name of theparagraphs required and the operator would retrieve all ofthese paragraphs and assemble the into a new document. This isknown as document assemblly. The operator keys in the codeddocument/file names and tells the machine to merge them intoone document and print out. Again, a great saving of time ispossible because the author does not have to dictate theparagraphs and the operator does not have to key them in again. Standard froms are also recorded in the standard letterfile where the operator would be able to locate thedocument/file names to retrieve them. It would then be a simplematter to insert the relevant information (VARIABLES) and printout a copy. An example of a standard form would be a legaldocument such as a deed, agreement of will. Complicated statistical tables may be updated periodicallyand have mathematical calculations performed without the needfor retyping the entire document. The operatoar would retrievethe previous document and modify it with the updated figures.Figure typing has always been an arduous job, but the use ofthe numeric keypad (using th finering technique preqiouslylearned for the calclulatoar) make it so much easier. The purpose of a forms control program is cost reductionand control within a functional organization. A good programcan reduce paper work and provide a check on clericalactivities. It can also insure that only essential informationis asked for and that duplication is reduced or eliminated. A good forms control program means that costs must beanalyzed carefully from several points of view. The total costof using forms includes printing, paper, duplicating, filingspace and equipment, office machines required to completeforms, and the salaries of all personnel involved in telatedinternal operations. When a new form is considered, managersshould decide whether it will either reduce costs or providevital information not otherwise obtainable. If a new form will merely obtain a small bit of newinformation, the questions might better be included in therevision of an existing form. If a new form can incorporate allnecessary information from several existing forms, then itmight be wise to do away with the lod forms and substitute thenew one. If the new form will cut clerical costs and get workdone more efficiently, then it is worth the cost in the longrun. An effective forms control program must set standards forthe design of new forms. All essential information must beincluded in the design so that bids for printing can be madrealistically. Decisions must also be made whether to hve formsprinted or whether to duplicate them on the ecompany's ownequipment. If they arae to be printed, storage might be anadditional consideration. Usually, the department initiatingthe use of a form canot store the quantity purchased. Some typeof central storage from which small quantities can be requestedmust be available. A disposal program must also be instituted so thatobsolete information is not kept indefinitely. Some informationmust be kept for a specified period for lelglal reasons. Manyorganizations, however, waste costly storage space simplybecause no one has taken responsibility for updating recordsfiles and clearing them out 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